Preschool, Toddler & Babies -
Teacher P3/P4- Jasmine Hardwick
Preschool is an active group with learning activities, crafts, gym time and play time. Please bring a sack lunch for the kids to eat during their time together, and prepare to go outside in all weather types. Also if any comfort items are needed to make their time more manageable, please bring those too. We may end the day with a short rest time and movie.
Nursery/Toddler - Stephanie Montrosse/Alyssa Medema (2nd hour)
Please bring a sack dinner for this class. We will try to keep them engaged and entertained but our third hour will bring it all down with some quiet time rest time. Please bring any paci, blankie or stuffed animals that will keep them comforted.
The classes above will be combined or separated depending on volume of students.
Teacher P3/P4- Jasmine Hardwick
Preschool is an active group with learning activities, crafts, gym time and play time. Please bring a sack lunch for the kids to eat during their time together, and prepare to go outside in all weather types. Also if any comfort items are needed to make their time more manageable, please bring those too. We may end the day with a short rest time and movie.
Nursery/Toddler - Stephanie Montrosse/Alyssa Medema (2nd hour)
Please bring a sack dinner for this class. We will try to keep them engaged and entertained but our third hour will bring it all down with some quiet time rest time. Please bring any paci, blankie or stuffed animals that will keep them comforted.
The classes above will be combined or separated depending on volume of students.
Grades K-3
1st hour classes
Army Base (K-6th combined)- $5
Teacher - Bobby & Levi Saul
This game was created long ago by one of our founding members of Hometeam and has been almost a constant on the roster for 20 years. Ready! Aim! Fire!!! Have fun battling with your army. You are provided plastic army men, styrofoam, popsicle sticks, and Lincoln logs to build your base. You are then matched with an opponent, and you shoot rubber bands at your opponent's base to knock down their men. Winner is the one with the most men standing at the end of the match. Scores are kept and a Army Base Champion is declared the last day of the semester. LATEX ALLERGY ALERT!
Although it is not the goal, your child may be shot with a rubber band as fly aways happen. If desired please provide your own safety glasses.
Recorder Class - $0 returning/8 new students (1-6th)
Teacher - Sharon Bazzell
This class is continuing from last semester but new students are encouraged to join. This is a learn as you go type class so new students are welcome. This fun, engaging beginning recorder method by Barb Philipak uses 9 progressively more challenging folk songs and familiar tunes. Students are motivated by the goal of earning "karate belts" - a different color for each song they master. Recorder and Book will be provided - If you already own a recorder, please inform Lora on your registration paperwork.
Basic Cooking Skills (2nd-6th) - $40 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Kristina Phelps
Learn the basics of cooking, cutting, preparing a table. A recipe will be given to the class and they will prepare the recipe and EAT! This class is always a hit and our teacher brings a great balance of well-loved recipes along with some cultural creations as well.
Fairy Tales - $5
Teacher - Deb Saul
Princes, Princesses, castles are all the rage in this class. Each week we will dive into a fairy tale story. We will read a story, do a craft and learn about the origins of the fairy tale. Mrs. Saul always has a creative way to bring the story to life and make learning fun.
Gardening Basics (3rd-8th combined) - $10
Teacher - Wendy Anderson
Join us to learn the basics of gardening including composting, beneficial pollinators, companion planting and end the school year with garden sprouts of your own!
Gym (3rd-6th) - $0
Teacher - Kim/Sean Donovan
This class will play some traditional gym games like basketball, kickball, and dodge ball, etc. We will also play non-traditional made up games with hula hoops, chairs, and balls and make obstacle courses and follow the leader type games. Movement and fun for everyone. Dress for weather of all types and wear gym shoes.
Lego - $0
Teacher - Aurora Bendixen
This class will be all things LEGO. They will be provided with a challenge to build a project but still have plenty of time for their own creativity to shine.
Little Girls Jewelry Making - $10 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Angie Curnell
We will be threading all sorts of beads to make bracelets, necklaces and more.
Sensory Overload - $0 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Kim Dubuc
Each class we will make a themed sensory bin to explore together. Creating while targeting letters, numbers, fine motor skills, patterns, imaginative play...and so much more...
2nd Hour Classes
All about Animals - $5
Teacher -Melissa Cleary
We will study reptiles, amphibians, fish, mammals, birds and arachnids. Each week we will cover a different animal group. Live animals often accompany our learning and make this class over the top.
Geography Thru the USA - $0 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Michelle Ryder
Explore the geography and unique attributes of the US Midwest states. Let's explore the Midwest with fun hands-on activities, snacks and finding out what makes each state unique.
Math Games - $0 (K-5th only)
Teacher - Sharon Bazzell
Each week we will start the class with a math game from Right Start Math to sharpen our skills and then the remaining time in class will be spent playing games that utilize math such as Yahtzee, Match Madness, Shut the Box, Qwixx, Farkle, and more. Students in this class will practice critical thinking skills, learn strategies, and brush up on their basic math skills without even realizing it. You don't have to love math to have fun in this class!
Michigan History - $5
Teacher - Mary Imbrunone (3rd-6th grade)
Michigan History is a class typically studied in the 4th grade in school. How did Michigan get its name? Who were the first settlers? What does our state flag look like? Come find out and explore all the amazing stuff our state has to offer. Snacks & hands on activities will accompany our class.
Nature Arts & Crafts - $0 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Aurora Bendixen/Kimi Dubuc
**This class will be based on popularity against Make & Take Games. The more popular class will run, if both show equal interest we will try to find a teacher to run both.
Each week we will use items found all over our yards to make cool crafts. Some will be made with rocks and some with sticks but each one is sure to be a hit. Maybe it will be a walking stick, maybe your name spelled out on a board with rocks and leaves. Mrs. Kimi makes all the classes exciting and so hands on that you won't regret signing up for this class.
**Plymouth Pockets Unit Study - $5 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Di Higuchi
**This class is being offered versus Teatime for Little Girls. Whichever class garners more interest will be the class to run, if both class show equal interest we will do our best to find another teacher to offer the class before cancelling.
Bring history alive for your students as they explore life in Plymouth Colony! Students will learn about the voyage to the new world, building a new village, family life, working in Plymouth Colony, and more.
With Evan-Moor's History Pockets: Life in Plymouth Colony, students create a pocket-folder in which they tuck fun reproducible activities, fact sheets, and/or worksheets that cover all the facts they've learned. Different types of activities, including mini-books and 3-D paper projects, are provided along with various helpful illustrations, maps, charts, and timelines
**Teatime for Little Girls - $10
Teacher - Di Higuchi
**This class is being offered versus Plymouth Pockets. Whichever class garners more interest will be the class to run, if both class show equal interest we will do our best to find another teacher to offer the class before cancelling.
Hi girls! Do you love tea parties? If you do, please come join us for some good stories, games, crafts and of course, tea and treats!
We’ll discuss character qualities and a few manners, encourage little hearts through inspirational stories of women in the Bible, and of course enjoy tea and treats!
Uniquely You - (3rd-6th) - $15
Teacher - Ashton Saul
This is a continuation of last semester but we will do many new projects. New students are welcome. Do you ever struggle to style your own hair? In this class we learn how to style YOUR hair. We will also explore what styles look the best with your face shape. We will learn to curl with various methods, straighten and braid your own hair. We will learn the structure of hair, different styling techniques, nail care, hand massage, braiding and curling, general hygiene and what chemicals to avoid for healthy hair.
3rd Hour
All about Ecosystems - $5
Teacher -Melissa Cleary
An ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form a bubble of life. Come join us as we travel the world and learn about ecosystems and how many different ones there are. We will plunge into the oceans, climb snow covered mountains and truck across the desert learning about our planet's plants and animals and why they survived.
Diamond Art (K-3) - $15 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Becki Adams
Diamond painting is a form of mosaic art where you, apply shiny resins (plastic beads or diamonds) onto a pre-glued canvas to complete the painting. Similar to a paint-by-numbers concept, this craft requires no artistic skills and is a fun and relaxing way to create something beautiful. Fine motor skills are required for this class. Link to kit -
Gym - (K-3rd) - $0 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Angie Curnell
Come run, jump and play games. We will learn some great games and have fun while we get some exercise. Make sure to wear comfortable clothing and weather appropriate clothing. Bring tennis shoes if you are wearing boots.
**Geography Thru Art (3rd-12th grades combined) - $5
Teacher - Katy Guzek
**This class is being offered based on popularity against Geography Fair National Parks. Whichever class garners more interest will be the class to run; if both classes show equal interest we will try to accommodate both and find another teacher.
Geography Through Art- Each class will study a different country's culture, landscape, history, and people. Each class will produce a special art project that represents the country, while introducing different art principles and mediums. Examples include: Polish paper cutting, Australian Didgeridoos, Indian Batik, Chinese Scrolls...etc. Can submit art project(s) into 4H Fair.
**Geography Fair National Parks (3rd-12th grades combined) - $5 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Katy Guzek
**This class is being offered based on popularity against Geography Thru Art. Whichever class garners more interest will be the class to run; if both classes show equal interest we will try to accommodate both and find another teacher.
National Parks- Study a National Park of choice, and create a final display project to submit in the 4H Fair. You may even win $$$ for your entry at the 2024 Oakland County Fair
Homesteading Basics (3rd-6th) - $0
Teacher - Beth June
Join us as we explore the beginnings of homesteading and hobby farming. We will cover chickens, bees, and growing dahlias, and more.
Make & Take Games - $0
Teacher - Aurora Bendixen/Kimi Dubuc
**This class will be based on popularity against Nature Arts & Crafts. The more popular class will run, if both show equal interest we will try to find a teacher to run both.
The first week we will be making our own dice and pawns and then each week after we will be making a specific game that we create. There will be some made with rocks, cardboard, paper and more. Come make your own games to take home and share with your family and friends.
Crafting With Perler Beads (K-4th) - $5 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher – Jen Shuffle
Crafting fun with Perler beads, make all kinds of animals and shapes, be creative and learn some fine motor skills along the way. Projects will be ironed and taken home the same day.
Textile Arts (K-4th together) - $10
Teacher - Cassie Hon
Welcome to the world of handwork and textile art and crafting, a beginner class in working with an array of materials from paper to fibers such as yarn, felt and wool, to clay, to things we find in the natural world. This class will touch on several different handwork methods such as finger knitting, spool knitting, weaving, simple stitches (developmentally appropriate determined by the prominent age in the class) even dying our own yarn, as well as some concepts of art such as color theory and patterns. Handwork is a beautiful and important part of nourishing the child's development, working on connecting all parts of the brain, hand eye coordination, fine motors skills, creative thinking and sensorial exploration. A beautiful tool to help deepen handwriting skills while creating useful and beautiful works of art that each child will bring home with them giving them a tangible sense of accomplishment and creativity.
1st hour classes
Army Base (K-6th combined)- $5
Teacher - Bobby & Levi Saul
This game was created long ago by one of our founding members of Hometeam and has been almost a constant on the roster for 20 years. Ready! Aim! Fire!!! Have fun battling with your army. You are provided plastic army men, styrofoam, popsicle sticks, and Lincoln logs to build your base. You are then matched with an opponent, and you shoot rubber bands at your opponent's base to knock down their men. Winner is the one with the most men standing at the end of the match. Scores are kept and a Army Base Champion is declared the last day of the semester. LATEX ALLERGY ALERT!
Although it is not the goal, your child may be shot with a rubber band as fly aways happen. If desired please provide your own safety glasses.
Recorder Class - $0 returning/8 new students (1-6th)
Teacher - Sharon Bazzell
This class is continuing from last semester but new students are encouraged to join. This is a learn as you go type class so new students are welcome. This fun, engaging beginning recorder method by Barb Philipak uses 9 progressively more challenging folk songs and familiar tunes. Students are motivated by the goal of earning "karate belts" - a different color for each song they master. Recorder and Book will be provided - If you already own a recorder, please inform Lora on your registration paperwork.
Basic Cooking Skills (2nd-6th) - $40 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Kristina Phelps
Learn the basics of cooking, cutting, preparing a table. A recipe will be given to the class and they will prepare the recipe and EAT! This class is always a hit and our teacher brings a great balance of well-loved recipes along with some cultural creations as well.
Fairy Tales - $5
Teacher - Deb Saul
Princes, Princesses, castles are all the rage in this class. Each week we will dive into a fairy tale story. We will read a story, do a craft and learn about the origins of the fairy tale. Mrs. Saul always has a creative way to bring the story to life and make learning fun.
Gardening Basics (3rd-8th combined) - $10
Teacher - Wendy Anderson
Join us to learn the basics of gardening including composting, beneficial pollinators, companion planting and end the school year with garden sprouts of your own!
Gym (3rd-6th) - $0
Teacher - Kim/Sean Donovan
This class will play some traditional gym games like basketball, kickball, and dodge ball, etc. We will also play non-traditional made up games with hula hoops, chairs, and balls and make obstacle courses and follow the leader type games. Movement and fun for everyone. Dress for weather of all types and wear gym shoes.
Lego - $0
Teacher - Aurora Bendixen
This class will be all things LEGO. They will be provided with a challenge to build a project but still have plenty of time for their own creativity to shine.
Little Girls Jewelry Making - $10 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Angie Curnell
We will be threading all sorts of beads to make bracelets, necklaces and more.
Sensory Overload - $0 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Kim Dubuc
Each class we will make a themed sensory bin to explore together. Creating while targeting letters, numbers, fine motor skills, patterns, imaginative play...and so much more...
2nd Hour Classes
All about Animals - $5
Teacher -Melissa Cleary
We will study reptiles, amphibians, fish, mammals, birds and arachnids. Each week we will cover a different animal group. Live animals often accompany our learning and make this class over the top.
Geography Thru the USA - $0 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Michelle Ryder
Explore the geography and unique attributes of the US Midwest states. Let's explore the Midwest with fun hands-on activities, snacks and finding out what makes each state unique.
Math Games - $0 (K-5th only)
Teacher - Sharon Bazzell
Each week we will start the class with a math game from Right Start Math to sharpen our skills and then the remaining time in class will be spent playing games that utilize math such as Yahtzee, Match Madness, Shut the Box, Qwixx, Farkle, and more. Students in this class will practice critical thinking skills, learn strategies, and brush up on their basic math skills without even realizing it. You don't have to love math to have fun in this class!
Michigan History - $5
Teacher - Mary Imbrunone (3rd-6th grade)
Michigan History is a class typically studied in the 4th grade in school. How did Michigan get its name? Who were the first settlers? What does our state flag look like? Come find out and explore all the amazing stuff our state has to offer. Snacks & hands on activities will accompany our class.
Nature Arts & Crafts - $0 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Aurora Bendixen/Kimi Dubuc
**This class will be based on popularity against Make & Take Games. The more popular class will run, if both show equal interest we will try to find a teacher to run both.
Each week we will use items found all over our yards to make cool crafts. Some will be made with rocks and some with sticks but each one is sure to be a hit. Maybe it will be a walking stick, maybe your name spelled out on a board with rocks and leaves. Mrs. Kimi makes all the classes exciting and so hands on that you won't regret signing up for this class.
**Plymouth Pockets Unit Study - $5 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Di Higuchi
**This class is being offered versus Teatime for Little Girls. Whichever class garners more interest will be the class to run, if both class show equal interest we will do our best to find another teacher to offer the class before cancelling.
Bring history alive for your students as they explore life in Plymouth Colony! Students will learn about the voyage to the new world, building a new village, family life, working in Plymouth Colony, and more.
With Evan-Moor's History Pockets: Life in Plymouth Colony, students create a pocket-folder in which they tuck fun reproducible activities, fact sheets, and/or worksheets that cover all the facts they've learned. Different types of activities, including mini-books and 3-D paper projects, are provided along with various helpful illustrations, maps, charts, and timelines
**Teatime for Little Girls - $10
Teacher - Di Higuchi
**This class is being offered versus Plymouth Pockets. Whichever class garners more interest will be the class to run, if both class show equal interest we will do our best to find another teacher to offer the class before cancelling.
Hi girls! Do you love tea parties? If you do, please come join us for some good stories, games, crafts and of course, tea and treats!
We’ll discuss character qualities and a few manners, encourage little hearts through inspirational stories of women in the Bible, and of course enjoy tea and treats!
Uniquely You - (3rd-6th) - $15
Teacher - Ashton Saul
This is a continuation of last semester but we will do many new projects. New students are welcome. Do you ever struggle to style your own hair? In this class we learn how to style YOUR hair. We will also explore what styles look the best with your face shape. We will learn to curl with various methods, straighten and braid your own hair. We will learn the structure of hair, different styling techniques, nail care, hand massage, braiding and curling, general hygiene and what chemicals to avoid for healthy hair.
3rd Hour
All about Ecosystems - $5
Teacher -Melissa Cleary
An ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form a bubble of life. Come join us as we travel the world and learn about ecosystems and how many different ones there are. We will plunge into the oceans, climb snow covered mountains and truck across the desert learning about our planet's plants and animals and why they survived.
Diamond Art (K-3) - $15 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Becki Adams
Diamond painting is a form of mosaic art where you, apply shiny resins (plastic beads or diamonds) onto a pre-glued canvas to complete the painting. Similar to a paint-by-numbers concept, this craft requires no artistic skills and is a fun and relaxing way to create something beautiful. Fine motor skills are required for this class. Link to kit -
Gym - (K-3rd) - $0 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Angie Curnell
Come run, jump and play games. We will learn some great games and have fun while we get some exercise. Make sure to wear comfortable clothing and weather appropriate clothing. Bring tennis shoes if you are wearing boots.
**Geography Thru Art (3rd-12th grades combined) - $5
Teacher - Katy Guzek
**This class is being offered based on popularity against Geography Fair National Parks. Whichever class garners more interest will be the class to run; if both classes show equal interest we will try to accommodate both and find another teacher.
Geography Through Art- Each class will study a different country's culture, landscape, history, and people. Each class will produce a special art project that represents the country, while introducing different art principles and mediums. Examples include: Polish paper cutting, Australian Didgeridoos, Indian Batik, Chinese Scrolls...etc. Can submit art project(s) into 4H Fair.
**Geography Fair National Parks (3rd-12th grades combined) - $5 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Katy Guzek
**This class is being offered based on popularity against Geography Thru Art. Whichever class garners more interest will be the class to run; if both classes show equal interest we will try to accommodate both and find another teacher.
National Parks- Study a National Park of choice, and create a final display project to submit in the 4H Fair. You may even win $$$ for your entry at the 2024 Oakland County Fair
Homesteading Basics (3rd-6th) - $0
Teacher - Beth June
Join us as we explore the beginnings of homesteading and hobby farming. We will cover chickens, bees, and growing dahlias, and more.
Make & Take Games - $0
Teacher - Aurora Bendixen/Kimi Dubuc
**This class will be based on popularity against Nature Arts & Crafts. The more popular class will run, if both show equal interest we will try to find a teacher to run both.
The first week we will be making our own dice and pawns and then each week after we will be making a specific game that we create. There will be some made with rocks, cardboard, paper and more. Come make your own games to take home and share with your family and friends.
Crafting With Perler Beads (K-4th) - $5 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher – Jen Shuffle
Crafting fun with Perler beads, make all kinds of animals and shapes, be creative and learn some fine motor skills along the way. Projects will be ironed and taken home the same day.
Textile Arts (K-4th together) - $10
Teacher - Cassie Hon
Welcome to the world of handwork and textile art and crafting, a beginner class in working with an array of materials from paper to fibers such as yarn, felt and wool, to clay, to things we find in the natural world. This class will touch on several different handwork methods such as finger knitting, spool knitting, weaving, simple stitches (developmentally appropriate determined by the prominent age in the class) even dying our own yarn, as well as some concepts of art such as color theory and patterns. Handwork is a beautiful and important part of nourishing the child's development, working on connecting all parts of the brain, hand eye coordination, fine motors skills, creative thinking and sensorial exploration. A beautiful tool to help deepen handwriting skills while creating useful and beautiful works of art that each child will bring home with them giving them a tangible sense of accomplishment and creativity.