Revised - August 2024
Our Vision and Purpose --
A Faith Based, Parent-led, Independent Co-op serving Oakland County & Surrounding Areas. Our classes are not to replace your curriculum but to enhance your homeschooling journey.
CO-OPERATIVE POLICY — Hometeam is a co-op that depends on every family doing their part to make it a success. Active parent participation in the classroom is a requirement. Please refrain from non-class related discussion while classes are in session. If a family fails to “show up” for two Hometeam days without calling, we maintain the right to remove them. Fees will not be returned.
HOMETEAM YEAR -- The fall semester usually begins about the 3rd week of September meeting 6 times. The winter semester usually begins about the 3rd week of January meeting 8 times. Hometeam meets every other Thursday.
COORDINATORS -- There will usually be a Coordinator or Floater available. If you have questions, need help, need additional help in a classroom, supplies, copies, or anything else during the hour the coordinator will be able to assist you.
SNOW DAYS -- If this happens in the fall, which is unlikely, there will be no make-up date. If this happens in the winter semester, we will have one make-up date at the end of the semester. The Coordinator will make the snow day call by 2:00 p.m. For Thursday and 10:00 a.m. on Tuesdays.
CHURCH OFFICE -- The church office is not open for Hometeam. We are self-sufficient and any matters should be brought to the hour coordinator.
OTHER CHILDREN ATTENDING -- If extenuating circumstances arise and you need to bring a child that does not normally attend Hometeam, please contact the Hometeam Coordinator to discuss if arrangements can be made prior to the Hometeam date.
CELL PHONES -- All parent/students cell phones must be on silent during Hometeam hours. Pictures for yearbook purposes are allowed and encouraged. Please, no texting during class times. Parents, if you MUST take a call, please leave the classroom.
All co-op parents are always required to stay on the premises. Parents who pay the drop-off fee may leave. We do not allow drop-off for preschool age or younger children. All co-op parents must commit to teaching, co-teaching, or helping in some way during the semester. (Example - plan field trips, teen nights, mom's nights, or a party, optional event)
TEACHERS AND PARENT HELPERS -- You are responsible for keeping your classroom clean. If you have a messy project, please be sure that floors and tabletops are protected with table covers/tarps etc. At the end of third hour, please remove your garbage and place the bag outside of your classroom. Please end your class FIVE to TEN minutes early to have all children help clean up and return the room to its original condition. We are the janitorial staff and keep our rooms tidy, we also must leave the building "Better than we found it!"
FLOATERS -- If you are assigned as a floater for a hour— PLEASE report to the coordinator. The Hour Coordinator will be delegating to the floater duties and responsibilities for that hour. Floaters may be asked to cover a class as a parent helper, make copies and deliver them to a teacher, gather supplies, etc. If your nametag has a class in brackets next to the word floater please check on that class, before coming to the parent area.
POSTING/ADVERTISING POLICY -- As a courtesy of our host church, we will only advertise Church events from our sponsoring church excluding sport/prom/graduation opportunities.
ABSENCES - If a co-op parent cannot attend Hometeam for any reason, the children must be kept home as well. Do not send your children, regardless of their ages, with another Hometeam family. You may send them with another adult who will replace you in your classes (Grandma, Aunt, Uncle). We occasionally make exceptions to this rule, so please contact Lora Saul for any absences, substitutions etc..
ILLNESS – Please, if you or your children are ill, do NOT come to Hometeam. We know that this can be a difficult decision to keep the whole family at home when only one child is sick, but please be respectful of the other families in attendance. Please ensure that your child has been fever free and vomit free for 24 hours and does not have any other active signs of illness. Anyone entering with a fever of 100.4 or higher will be sent home immediately. Please contact Lora Saul if you have any questions on this policy.
TEACHERS -- You are responsible for making the necessary preparations for someone to take over your class in the case you are absent. Please call your co-teacher or helpers to plan arrangements for your absence. Please let the Hometeam Coordinator know what arrangements you have made for your class. It is highly suggested to have a lesson planned for an absence ahead of time so it is an easy transition.
A person’s appearance directly affects his/her sense of well-being, self-confidence and ability to learn. Therefore, appearance in general should be neat and well groomed. The following types or styles are considered inappropriate for girls/boys and are not allowed at Hometeam. If found out of the dress code, you will be asked to go home and change clothing or wear your coat, or a borrowed item that covers you appropriately.
All Fees for Hometeam must be paid when submitting registration for the semester. If arrangements need to be made, feel free to contact the Hometeam Coordinator to set up payment arrangements. If your payment is not made in full by the end of the semester, you must rectify the balance before registering for the next semester; or your family will be considered ineligible until the matter is resolved.
No Refunds are given after the first week of Hometeam, class changes are allowed for 7 days following our first meeting. Adjustments to your fees will be made for any class changes. No refunds will be given if shut down due to government orders. If you fail to show up for two consecutive weeks you will be removed from the roster and no refunds are granted.
Behavioral Code
Our goal is to provide a place for learning, enrichment, and fellowship away from worldly influences. We believe that Hometeam should be a place where children can learn not to settle for mediocrity, but to make a difference in this world. The following is a list of expectations of all children attending Hometeam. Please go over these expectations with your children.
While attending Hometeam I will:
We are a parent-led, volunteer, independent co-op with the goal of being a blessing to all families involved in Hometeam. Therefore, we cannot allow controversial issues or disputable matters to be a hindrance to our purpose. Please be very cautious and sensitive in subjects of discussion that you think might be of this nature. Also, if you are in a classroom where you feel a discussion is of this nature or heading in a negative direction, please speak up and remind everyone of this policy. This includes but is not limited to the following: denominational differences, political views, sex, sexuality, magic/occult, cultural issues, and other matters of contention. Any topics or viewpoints of a sensitive nature that should be discussed between parent/child such as (sex, sexuality, abortion, etc.) are not to be a topic of conversation in the classroom, except in the event that it is previously discussed with the Coordinator/Parents and are relevant to the class.
Hometeam follows the Biblical procedure outlined in Matthew 18:15-17, as our guidelines in dealing with all situations of conflict or concerns.
“If another sins against you, go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone. If they listen to you, you have regained that one.
But if you are not listened to, take one or two others along with you, so that every work may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses.
If they refuse to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if the offender refuses to listen even to the church, let such a one be to you as a heathen.”
Please use these guidelines when handling a situation between parents and with the children. Everyone has the right to know if they or their children have caused a concern or offended someone in some way. They should not have to learn about the offense by being told by others. Please do not discuss the situation with other parents unless you have first spoken directly to the person.
If you have questions about this policy or how to implement it, our Hometeam Coordinator will be happy to counsel you.
A Faith Based, Parent-led, Independent Co-op serving Oakland County & Surrounding Areas. Our classes are not to replace your curriculum but to enhance your homeschooling journey.
- Faith Hometeam has agreed to adhere to our host facility's Statement of Faith. It has been approved by all levels of leadership within Faith Hometeam, and is not meant to impose our beliefs on any person. We offer this statement as an affirmation of our personal convictions and relationship with Jesus Christ. Potential members can review the Statement of Faith to determine if Faith Hometeam will be a good fit for their family.
- About The Scriptures - We believe the entire Bible, including both the Old and the New Testaments, is the inspired Word of God and that men were moved by the Spirit of God to write the very words of Scripture. Therefore, we believe the Bible is without error. (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21)
- About God - We believe that there is one and only one, living and true God. He is the Maker and Supreme Ruler of Heaven and Earth. God has revealed Himself as a Trinity in unity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are three Persons and yet one God. (Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19; 1 Corinthians 8:6)
- About Jesus - Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God. He is Himself very God. He took upon Himself our nature. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin, Mary. He died upon the cross as a substitute for the sin of the world. He arose from the dead in the body in which He was crucified. He ascended into heaven in that body glorified. He stands with us as our High Priest in heaven. He will come again personally and visibly to set up His Kingdom and to judge the living and the dead. (Colossians 1:15; Philippians 2:5-8; Hebrews 4:14-16; Revelation 11:15-17; 20:4-6, 11-15)
- About Salvation - Man was created in the image of God but fell into sin. In that sense, he is lost. This is true of all men. Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ who bore our sins in His own body on the cross. He gave His life in exchange for each of ours. By trying to outweigh our sin with good works, we reject the free gift of salvation. Trust in Christ’s perfect work is the only solution. (Romans 3:10, 23; John 3:3; 2 Corinthians 5:1; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10)
- About The Church - The Church is a gathering of believers baptized by the Holy Spirit into one body. Its mission is to reach the world with the gospel of Christ, gather with the saints and grow in the Word. (Matthew 28: 19-20; Acts 2:41-47; 1 Corinthians 12:12-13; Ephesians 4)
- About The Family - We believe that marriage is a union between Man and Woman. It is understood for all members that scriptural marriage is between one man and one woman as God designed and ordered (Gen.2; 1Cor. 7, Deut 22:5). All other marriage definitions are outside Biblical boundaries. All beings are born male or female and God created them as such and they should live as their God given gender assignment.
CO-OPERATIVE POLICY — Hometeam is a co-op that depends on every family doing their part to make it a success. Active parent participation in the classroom is a requirement. Please refrain from non-class related discussion while classes are in session. If a family fails to “show up” for two Hometeam days without calling, we maintain the right to remove them. Fees will not be returned.
HOMETEAM YEAR -- The fall semester usually begins about the 3rd week of September meeting 6 times. The winter semester usually begins about the 3rd week of January meeting 8 times. Hometeam meets every other Thursday.
COORDINATORS -- There will usually be a Coordinator or Floater available. If you have questions, need help, need additional help in a classroom, supplies, copies, or anything else during the hour the coordinator will be able to assist you.
SNOW DAYS -- If this happens in the fall, which is unlikely, there will be no make-up date. If this happens in the winter semester, we will have one make-up date at the end of the semester. The Coordinator will make the snow day call by 2:00 p.m. For Thursday and 10:00 a.m. on Tuesdays.
CHURCH OFFICE -- The church office is not open for Hometeam. We are self-sufficient and any matters should be brought to the hour coordinator.
OTHER CHILDREN ATTENDING -- If extenuating circumstances arise and you need to bring a child that does not normally attend Hometeam, please contact the Hometeam Coordinator to discuss if arrangements can be made prior to the Hometeam date.
CELL PHONES -- All parent/students cell phones must be on silent during Hometeam hours. Pictures for yearbook purposes are allowed and encouraged. Please, no texting during class times. Parents, if you MUST take a call, please leave the classroom.
All co-op parents are always required to stay on the premises. Parents who pay the drop-off fee may leave. We do not allow drop-off for preschool age or younger children. All co-op parents must commit to teaching, co-teaching, or helping in some way during the semester. (Example - plan field trips, teen nights, mom's nights, or a party, optional event)
TEACHERS AND PARENT HELPERS -- You are responsible for keeping your classroom clean. If you have a messy project, please be sure that floors and tabletops are protected with table covers/tarps etc. At the end of third hour, please remove your garbage and place the bag outside of your classroom. Please end your class FIVE to TEN minutes early to have all children help clean up and return the room to its original condition. We are the janitorial staff and keep our rooms tidy, we also must leave the building "Better than we found it!"
- Please do not assume that the teacher does not need you if there are several helpers in the classroom — ALWAYS REPORT to your assigned classroom at the beginning of the class. If you need to take care of a personal issue, please check-in with the teacher first. If you see something that needs to be done — do it.
- Please help the class teacher to keep the classroom clean. Including wiping down tables and pushing in chairs at the end of the hour/day.
- Please do not allow any child to leave the classroom unsupervised. A parent helper should escort them to the restroom and back to class.
- If you are helping in a class that includes your own child, please be sure to help all the children, not just your own.
- Assist the teacher in gathering needed supplies from the supply cabinets.
- Make sure a full trash can is emptied and new bag is placed in bin, after third hour. Full trash bags should be left outside of the classroom door to be picked up and disposed of in the dumpster.
- Encouraging children to help in the clean-up process.
- Encourage children to be respectful while the teacher or other children are contributing to class time.
- Finally, please remember, socializing should be done outside of class. If we want our children to focus on the teacher, we must teach by example. Please do not carry-on private conversations in the classroom while the teacher is speaking to the children.
FLOATERS -- If you are assigned as a floater for a hour— PLEASE report to the coordinator. The Hour Coordinator will be delegating to the floater duties and responsibilities for that hour. Floaters may be asked to cover a class as a parent helper, make copies and deliver them to a teacher, gather supplies, etc. If your nametag has a class in brackets next to the word floater please check on that class, before coming to the parent area.
POSTING/ADVERTISING POLICY -- As a courtesy of our host church, we will only advertise Church events from our sponsoring church excluding sport/prom/graduation opportunities.
ABSENCES - If a co-op parent cannot attend Hometeam for any reason, the children must be kept home as well. Do not send your children, regardless of their ages, with another Hometeam family. You may send them with another adult who will replace you in your classes (Grandma, Aunt, Uncle). We occasionally make exceptions to this rule, so please contact Lora Saul for any absences, substitutions etc..
ILLNESS – Please, if you or your children are ill, do NOT come to Hometeam. We know that this can be a difficult decision to keep the whole family at home when only one child is sick, but please be respectful of the other families in attendance. Please ensure that your child has been fever free and vomit free for 24 hours and does not have any other active signs of illness. Anyone entering with a fever of 100.4 or higher will be sent home immediately. Please contact Lora Saul if you have any questions on this policy.
TEACHERS -- You are responsible for making the necessary preparations for someone to take over your class in the case you are absent. Please call your co-teacher or helpers to plan arrangements for your absence. Please let the Hometeam Coordinator know what arrangements you have made for your class. It is highly suggested to have a lesson planned for an absence ahead of time so it is an easy transition.
A person’s appearance directly affects his/her sense of well-being, self-confidence and ability to learn. Therefore, appearance in general should be neat and well groomed. The following types or styles are considered inappropriate for girls/boys and are not allowed at Hometeam. If found out of the dress code, you will be asked to go home and change clothing or wear your coat, or a borrowed item that covers you appropriately.
- NO spaghetti straps/tank tops, crop tops (bare midriff) tank tops, (Sleeveless shirts are acceptable) – exception would be a dance/gym class that requires such clothing (bring a change of clothes for these classes).
- NO see-through clothing.
- No low cut revealing shirts that show cleavage or breasts.
- ALL shorts/skirts must be mid-thigh or longer (Bermuda length).
- NO clothes with indecent pictures or writing (cursing) or inappropriate music bands.
- NO pajamas, pajama pants, or other sleepwear.
- Bottoms MUST be covered with leggings and yoga pants/ yoga type shorts and tight pants.
- Tattoos that violate other policies/procedures listed here should be covered. (for example but not exclusively - nudity, curse words, drugs and alcohol.)
All Fees for Hometeam must be paid when submitting registration for the semester. If arrangements need to be made, feel free to contact the Hometeam Coordinator to set up payment arrangements. If your payment is not made in full by the end of the semester, you must rectify the balance before registering for the next semester; or your family will be considered ineligible until the matter is resolved.
No Refunds are given after the first week of Hometeam, class changes are allowed for 7 days following our first meeting. Adjustments to your fees will be made for any class changes. No refunds will be given if shut down due to government orders. If you fail to show up for two consecutive weeks you will be removed from the roster and no refunds are granted.
Behavioral Code
Our goal is to provide a place for learning, enrichment, and fellowship away from worldly influences. We believe that Hometeam should be a place where children can learn not to settle for mediocrity, but to make a difference in this world. The following is a list of expectations of all children attending Hometeam. Please go over these expectations with your children.
While attending Hometeam I will:
- Always wear my nametag in a visible place on my shirt - this is also for security purposes.
- Follow the dress code, as outlined in the Hometeam policy and procedure manual linked at the top of the form.
- Show respect for teachers and assistants by not only listening with ears, but also with eyes.
- Show respect for fellow students.
- Come to class on time and prepared with the supplies needed for the class.
- Leave electronic equipment at home or in my backpack and turned to silent during Hometeam.
- I will be always in my designated areas. I will not wander between classes or go outside unless with adult supervision.
- I will not discuss inappropriate/controversial topic matter such as (sex, sexuality, gender identity, abortion, religious denominations, occult/magic, drugs, etc.) during Hometeam, unless previously discussed with the coordinator and relevant to topic matter of class.
- Playing/singing inappropriate/violent, explicit music (NO EARBUDS)
- Improper social contact
- Fighting/Horseplay
- Inappropriate social networking content or discussion or sharing of materials
- Bullying, cyber-bullying, vandalism of personal property
- Challenging authority of a teacher or parent-helper
- Being in an off-limits area.
- Profanity, inappropriate language/racial slurs
- Fighting/Inappropriate Major Horseplay
- Inappropriate PDA during Hometeam
- Possession of a weapon
- Bullying/Cyber-bullying
- Inappropriate social networking or sharing of pornography
- Pornography
- Defacing of any property of the host facility or of another students property
- Stealing
- Possession or use of any form of vaping, tobacco, alcohol or drugs of any kind.
- Reckless driving/speeding, etc.
- Any child that is not cooperating and causing a problem will be moved to the back of the classroom with a parent helper.
- If the behavior continues, the parent helper should notify the coordinator who will then find the child’s parent.
- If disruptive behavior becomes a continuing problem with any child, they will not be permitted to return to Hometeam.
- Minor offenses are classified as those behaviors that are disruptive but not a detriment to our program.
- Minor offenses will be handled as - 1st time, warning and possible switch to next to a parent-helper , 2nd time - removed from class for Miss Lora to parents, 3rd time - stay with parents during Hometeam or stay home.
- Major Offenses will be handled on a case by case basis and reviewed by the leadership team, but any action that could threaten the use of a facility, or detrimental safety to another family could result in immediate dismissal of that child from Faith Hometeam.
We are a parent-led, volunteer, independent co-op with the goal of being a blessing to all families involved in Hometeam. Therefore, we cannot allow controversial issues or disputable matters to be a hindrance to our purpose. Please be very cautious and sensitive in subjects of discussion that you think might be of this nature. Also, if you are in a classroom where you feel a discussion is of this nature or heading in a negative direction, please speak up and remind everyone of this policy. This includes but is not limited to the following: denominational differences, political views, sex, sexuality, magic/occult, cultural issues, and other matters of contention. Any topics or viewpoints of a sensitive nature that should be discussed between parent/child such as (sex, sexuality, abortion, etc.) are not to be a topic of conversation in the classroom, except in the event that it is previously discussed with the Coordinator/Parents and are relevant to the class.
Hometeam follows the Biblical procedure outlined in Matthew 18:15-17, as our guidelines in dealing with all situations of conflict or concerns.
“If another sins against you, go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone. If they listen to you, you have regained that one.
But if you are not listened to, take one or two others along with you, so that every work may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses.
If they refuse to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if the offender refuses to listen even to the church, let such a one be to you as a heathen.”
Please use these guidelines when handling a situation between parents and with the children. Everyone has the right to know if they or their children have caused a concern or offended someone in some way. They should not have to learn about the offense by being told by others. Please do not discuss the situation with other parents unless you have first spoken directly to the person.
If you have questions about this policy or how to implement it, our Hometeam Coordinator will be happy to counsel you.