GRADES 4th-6th
Please pick three choices from each hour for registering your child.
A first choice and two back-up options.
Most classes are limited to 12 students unless otherwise noted.
1st Hour
Army Base (K-6th combined)- $5
Teacher - Bobby & Levi Saul
This game was created long ago by one of our founding members of Hometeam and has been almost a constant on the roster for 20 years. Ready! Aim! Fire!!! Have fun battling with your army. You are provided plastic army men, styrofoam, popsicle sticks, and Lincoln logs to build your base. You are then matched with an opponent, and you shoot rubber bands at your opponent's base to knock down their men. Winner is the one with the most men standing at the end of the match. Scores are kept and a Army Base Champion is declared the last day of the semester. LATEX ALLERGY ALERT!
Although it is not the goal, your child may be shot with a rubber band as fly aways happen. If desired please provide your own safety glasses.
Basic Cooking Skills (2nd-6th) - $40 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Kristina Phelps
Learn the basics of cooking, cutting, preparing a table. A recipe will be given to the class and they will prepare the recipe and EAT! This class is always a hit and our teacher brings a great balance of well-loved recipes along with some cultural creations as well.
Culture & Cuisine (4th grade and up) - $15
Teacher - Melissa Smith
Students must be adventurous and willing to try new food and drinks. Each class we will learn about a culture & then try some of the foods or drinks from that culture. This is not a cooking class—it’s will be purchased from cultural stores. May include Japanese, Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Canadian, Korean, Polish, French, Jamaican and more… Food Allergies: some foods may not have labels, so food allergens would be unknown.
Customs of the Bible (6th-12th grades) - $0 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Bob Saul Jr.
We will start out the class with a devotional and then explore the rich traditions and customs in the Bible. Some might include -
What significance did earrings have in the Bible?
What Jesus really meant by the "eye of the needle?"
The difference between modern and biblical wedding celebrations?
Although Christianity is generally considered a Western religion, it is important to recognize that the Bible itself was written and set in the Eastern world, and it must be viewed through the light of that Eastern window. In order to really understand the Bible, one must become knowledgeable of the culture, manners, and customs of the Eastern world.
Come join Mr. Saul and explore some of these customs.
Diorama (6th-12th combined) - $30
Teacher - Becki Adams
A diorama is a replica of a scene, typically a three-dimensional model either full-sized or miniature. This kit is complete with lights and furniture to complete a dollhouse. This is a very intricate kit and will take time and patience to complete. In this class we are going to do the kit in the link. https://amzn.to/422MfHG. We are pre-ordering kits so there will be no refunds! If you switch classes you can keep the kit, but you will also be charged for the class fee for your new class.
Gardening Basics (3-8th combined) - $10
Teacher - Wendy Anderson
Join us to learn the basics of gardening including composting, beneficial pollinators, companion planting and end the school year with garden sprouts of your own!
Gym (3rd-6th) - $0
Teacher - Kim/Sean Donovan
This class will play some traditional gym games like basketball, kickball, and dodge ball, etc. We will also play non-traditional made up games with hula hoops, chairs, and balls and make obstacle courses and follow the leader type games. Movement and fun for everyone. Dress for weather of all types and wear gym shoes.
Historical Conquest - (4th grade and up - students must be fluent readers and good with strategy) – $17/$5 returning students with no cards needed will only be charged $5 but must be noted on the registration form
Teacher – Holly Cheyne
Historical Conquest™ is a unique and exciting card game in which players create personalized societies of heroes, villains, leaders, assassins, disasters, armies, and more from history and battle them against one another. Each card is complete with fantastic illustrations and intriguing summaries of people, places, and events from history. The abilities of each card used in the game relate to the abilities these individuals had during their lives. Due to the diversity of the cards, the possibilities are endless!
With the onslaught of video games and television, many young people have lost interest in learning. The words and lessons of the heroes of the past have lost their flavor for our youth. Historical Conquest™ was created with the mission to bring history back into the lives of children through exciting gameplay. The game entices youth to learn more through fascinating descriptions of historical events, peoples, and places as they engage in epic battles and heroic adventures. ***Class cost includes a starter pack for each player, if this is not needed the cost will be $5 but must be noted on the registration packet.
Homesteading 101 (6th-12th) - $30
Teacher - Erin Geelhood/Julie Greaves
Learn how to do homesteading tasks such as making cheese and candles, foraging, sewing and making natural dyes and gardening skills such as seed starting, winter sewing and composting. This will be a very hands on class in the kitchen many times so come join us.
Lego (K-5th combined) - $0
Teacher - Aurora Bendixen
This class will be all things LEGO. They will be provided with a challenge to build a project but still have plenty of time for their own creativity to shine.
Michigan History (6th-12th combined) - $20 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Erin Brewster
Each week, we’ll dive into the rich history, legends and stories of our great state. We’ll also sample some of Michigan’s iconic and delicious foods. Plus, we’ll get hands-on with creative art projects and fun crafting activities. NO ALLERGIES.
Nutrition 101 - $0 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Katy Guzek
Nutrition 101: Learn about the fundamentals of Nutrition: Calories and energy. Fats, Proteins, and Carbohydrates. Vitamins and Minerals. Digestion and Absorption. Reading Nutrition labels. How to curate a balanced diet to live a healthy lifestyle.
Recorder Class - $0 returning/8 new students (1-6th)
Teacher - Sharon Bazzell/Tiffany Hancock
This class is continuing from last semester but new students are encouraged to join. This is a learn as you go type class so new students are welcome. This fun, engaging beginning recorder method by Barb Philipak uses 9 progressively more challenging folk songs and familiar tunes. Students are motivated by the goal of earning "karate belts" - a different color for each song they master. Recorder and Book will be provided - If you already own a recorder, please inform Lora on your registration paperwork.
Script Writing/Book Publishing 2.0 (5th-12th) - $0
Teacher - Loretta Bradfield
Script writing or book publishing part 2- We will dive into writing a movie- and I will independently support their personal projects from last semester as well. We will try to write a script that as a homeschool group they want to tell.
2nd Hour
Asian Cooking (6th-12th) - $40 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Kristina Phelps
We will be traveling the world to Asia with our taste buds! We will be exploring the many flavors and textures of Asian cuisine, including some of the internet favs this semester - think hot pots, potstickers and more!
ALLERGY WARNING - there will be dishes that include gluten and students with allergies are discouraged from taking food classes.
Cake Decorating (2 HOUR CLASS) (6th-12th) - $50
Teacher - Geri Yost
Come learn how to decorate like the pros! Geri Yost will teach us how to make cupcake toppers, 3D cakes, cupcake designs and so much more. This hands on class requires a specific level of hand strength and for piping and fondant work, along with patience for step by step instructions. By the end of the semester, you will have learned so many new skills, you’ll be feeling like a pro! This class will take your 2nd and 3rd hour time slots, please be advised.
**Calligraphy - $10 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Debra Saul
**This class is being offered based on popularity. Whichever class shows more interest will be the class to run. If both classes show equal interest we will do our best to find another teacher and offer both classes.
Calligraphy is a visual art related to writing. It is the design and execution of lettering with a pen, ink brush, or other writing instrument. Students must know cursive to sign-up for the class. If you want to work on your penmanship and make it "fancy" come join us for this hands on fun class.
Cartoon Drawing (5th-12th) - $0
Teacher - Loretta Bradfield
From Snow White to Shrek, from Fred Flintstone to SpongeBob SquarePants, the design of a character conveys personality before a single word of dialogue is spoken. Designing Characters with Personality shows artists how to create a distinctive character, then place that character in context within a script, establish hierarchy, and maximize the impact of pose and expression. Practical exercises help readers put everything together to make their new characters sparkle. Please bring a sketchbook and pencil to each class.
Diamond Art (4-8th) - $10
Teacher - Becki Adams
Diamond painting is a form of mosaic art where you, apply shiny resins (plastic beads or diamonds) onto a pre-glued canvas to complete the painting. Similar to a paint-by-numbers concept, this craft requires no artistic skills and is a fun and relaxing way to create something beautiful. Fine motor skills are required for this class. Link to kit - https://amzn.to/4a3l8xY and if time allows https://amzn.to/3DJyUKb
Donovan Dynamic Duo Daze (4th-8th Grade) - $5
Teacher - Kim & Sean Donovan
This class is a continuation of last semester but we will be doing all new activities so new students are encouraged to join us. What to do when you can't make up your mind on what class to teach? Make a different theme each class! We might...explore the Shiawassee Basin Reserve during a beautiful fall evening sunset, learn about and do a Geocache, paint with acrylics or watercolors, play a game, make different desserts...a multitude of possibilities. Each week will be a surprise! This class may leave the church campus during class so parental permission is granted by taking this class, the adventures will be local in Davisburg.
Hand Sewing - $5 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Deb Saul
**This class is being offered based on popularity. Whichever class shows more interest will be the class to run. If both classes show equal interest we will do our best to find another teacher and offer both classes.
Hand sewing this semester is going to learn English paper piecing. In this class we will do hand sewing, cutting out fabric, fussy cutting and basting. This class will have a limit of 6 students. Students will need previous hand sewing skills.
History Thru Pictures Books - $5 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Nicole Walters & Shannon Dove
We will read a historical fiction picture book and do activities, crafts, and/or snacks based on the theme or time period for that book.
Math Games - $0 (K-5th only)
Teacher - Sharon Bazzell
Each week we will start the class with a math game from Right Start Math to sharpen our skills and then the remaining time in class will be spent playing games that utilize math such as Yahtzee, Match Madness, Shut the Box, Qwixx, Farkle, and more. Students in this class will practice critical thinking skills, learn strategies, and brush up on their basic math skills without even realizing it. You don't have to love math to have fun in this class!
Matthew Bible Study (6th -12th combined) - $0 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Katy Guzek
The Gospel of Matthew: Dig deeper with Ms. Katy into the Book of Matthew. Each week we will read and discuss a chapter of Matthew, exploring God's Word. And gleaning wisdom and strength from His truth.
Michigan History - $5
Teacher - Mary Imbrunone (3rd-6th grade)
Michigan History is a class typically studied in the 4th grade in school. How did Michigan get its name? Who were the first settlers? What does our state flag look like? Come find out and explore all the amazing stuff our state has to offer. Snacks & hands on activities will accompany our class.
Teacher - Stephanie Montrosse
In this class, students will learn some basic vocabulary in Spanish. We will start with learning how to talk about our families and we will add more words each week based on their progress and interests. In addition to vocabulary, we will discuss interesting cultural facts about different Spanish-speaking countries around the world.
This is an academic class; therefore, it is necessary that students are fluent readers (in English). Students will also be expected to sit quietly and listen during instruction time.
Uniquely You - (3rd-6th) - $20
Teacher - Ashton Saul
This is a continuation of last semester but we will do many new projects. New students are welcome. Do you ever struggle to style your own hair? In this class we learn how to style YOUR hair. We will also explore what styles look the best with your face shape. We will learn to curl with various methods, straighten and braid your own hair. We will learn the structure of hair, different styling techniques, nail care, hand massage, braiding and curling, general hygiene and what chemicals to avoid for healthy hair.
3rd HOUR
Beginning Crochet - $5 (5th grade and up combined) - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Kim Donovan
Crocheting is all the rage now. Once you learn the basics, you can do anything. First, we will learn how to hold our yarn and get the right tension with chains. Then, counting stitches to crochet a dishcloth. Learning single crochet and double crochet and other stitches as we go. Next semester we can learn how to make granny squares. Endless possibilities as you learn this fiber art. Handiwork is a great tool for many children in hand-eye coordination and to aid in concentration while listening to read-alouds and lessons.
Crafting With Perler Beads (K-4th) - $5 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher – Jen Shuffle
Crafting fun with Perler beads, make all kinds of animals and shapes, be creative and learn some fine motor skills along the way. Projects will be ironed and taken home the same day.
Chess Club 2.0 (4th-12th combined) - $0
Teacher - Henry Shuffle/Bob Saul Jr.
This class if for those that already know how to play chess. This semester will focus on strategy and switching up of partners more often. You must be willing to play chess each week for an hour and not lose interest and want to wander. Be prepared to strategize and learn.
**Geography Thru Art (3rd-12th grades combined) - $5
Teacher - Katy Guzek
**This class is being offered based on popularity against Geography Fair National Parks. Whichever class garners more interest will be the class to run; if both classes show equal interest we will try to Geography Through Art- Each class will study a different country's culture, landscape, history, and people. Each class will produce a special art project that represents the country, while introducing different art principles and mediums. Examples include: Polish paper cutting, Australian Didgeridoos, Indian Batik, Chinese Scrolls...etc. Can submit art project(s) into 4H Fair.
**Geography Fair National Parks (3rd-12th grades combined) - $5 - - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Katy Guzek
**This class is being offered based on popularity against Geography Thru Art. Whichever class garners more interest will be the class to run; if both classes show equal interest we will try to accommodate both and find another teacher. National Parks- Study a National Park of choice, and create a final display project to submit in the 4H Fair. You may even win $$$ for your entry at the 2024 Oakland County Fair
How to Draw Animals (5th grade and up) - $0 - - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Loretta Bradfield
Work on drawing all the little details of animals and emotion! Intermediate artists please! We will work on keeping up anatomy while creating detailed characters! Please bring a sketchbook and pencils.
Homesteading Basics - $0
Teacher - Beth June
Join us as we explore the beginnings of homesteading and hobby farming. We will cover all things chickens, raising honey bees and harvesting their honey, and growing Dahlias - one of the most beautiful flower varieties God created. Spring is calling - let’s start preparing and planning for the growing season ahead!
LEGO Robotics - $0
Teacher - Bobby Saul/Vanessa Saul
In this class we will use the LEGO Chain Reactions book ideas to build some cool STEM related activities and then we will venture into the LEGO Mindstorm robotics kit. We will build, program and learn together how the LEGO robotics/STEM programs work. This class will be limited to 8 students. Students must have patience and be willing to follow directions or they will be removed from class. This is not the class to sign up to be rowdy.
Math Games - $0 (6th-12th) - - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Sharon Bazzell
Each week we will start the class with a math game from Right Start Math to sharpen our skills and then the remaining time in class will be spent playing games that utilize math such as Yahtzee, Match Madness, Shut the Box, Qwixx, Farkle, and more. Students in this class will practice critical thinking skills, learn strategies, and brush up on their basic math skills without even realizing it. You don't have to love math to have fun in this class!
Textile Arts (K-4th together) - $10
Teacher - Cassie Hon
Welcome to the world of handwork and textile art and crafting, a beginner class in working with an array of materials from paper to fibers such as yarn, felt and wool, to clay, to things we find in the natural world. This class will touch on several different handwork methods such as finger knitting, spool knitting, weaving, simple stitches (developmentally appropriate determined by the prominent age in the class) even dying our own yarn, as well as some concepts of art such as color theory and patterns. Handwork is a beautiful and important part of nourishing the child's development, working on connecting all parts of the brain, hand eye coordination, fine motors skills, creative thinking and sensorial exploration. A beautiful tool to help deepen handwriting skills while creating useful and beautiful works of art that each child will bring home with them giving them a tangible sense of accomplishment and creativity.
Viral Recipes (6th-12th) - $40 - - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Kristina Phelps
We have all watched these "viral" recipes go crazy on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok. Each week we will try one that is all over the social media and make it for our tasting pleasure before we go home. Come join us for a tasty culinary adventure.
ALLERGY WARNING - there will be dishes that include gluten and students with allergies are discouraged from taking food classes.
GRADES 4th-6th
Please pick three choices from each hour for registering your child.
A first choice and two back-up options.
Most classes are limited to 12 students unless otherwise noted.
1st Hour
Army Base (K-6th combined)- $5
Teacher - Bobby & Levi Saul
This game was created long ago by one of our founding members of Hometeam and has been almost a constant on the roster for 20 years. Ready! Aim! Fire!!! Have fun battling with your army. You are provided plastic army men, styrofoam, popsicle sticks, and Lincoln logs to build your base. You are then matched with an opponent, and you shoot rubber bands at your opponent's base to knock down their men. Winner is the one with the most men standing at the end of the match. Scores are kept and a Army Base Champion is declared the last day of the semester. LATEX ALLERGY ALERT!
Although it is not the goal, your child may be shot with a rubber band as fly aways happen. If desired please provide your own safety glasses.
Basic Cooking Skills (2nd-6th) - $40 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Kristina Phelps
Learn the basics of cooking, cutting, preparing a table. A recipe will be given to the class and they will prepare the recipe and EAT! This class is always a hit and our teacher brings a great balance of well-loved recipes along with some cultural creations as well.
Culture & Cuisine (4th grade and up) - $15
Teacher - Melissa Smith
Students must be adventurous and willing to try new food and drinks. Each class we will learn about a culture & then try some of the foods or drinks from that culture. This is not a cooking class—it’s will be purchased from cultural stores. May include Japanese, Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Canadian, Korean, Polish, French, Jamaican and more… Food Allergies: some foods may not have labels, so food allergens would be unknown.
Customs of the Bible (6th-12th grades) - $0 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Bob Saul Jr.
We will start out the class with a devotional and then explore the rich traditions and customs in the Bible. Some might include -
What significance did earrings have in the Bible?
What Jesus really meant by the "eye of the needle?"
The difference between modern and biblical wedding celebrations?
Although Christianity is generally considered a Western religion, it is important to recognize that the Bible itself was written and set in the Eastern world, and it must be viewed through the light of that Eastern window. In order to really understand the Bible, one must become knowledgeable of the culture, manners, and customs of the Eastern world.
Come join Mr. Saul and explore some of these customs.
Diorama (6th-12th combined) - $30
Teacher - Becki Adams
A diorama is a replica of a scene, typically a three-dimensional model either full-sized or miniature. This kit is complete with lights and furniture to complete a dollhouse. This is a very intricate kit and will take time and patience to complete. In this class we are going to do the kit in the link. https://amzn.to/422MfHG. We are pre-ordering kits so there will be no refunds! If you switch classes you can keep the kit, but you will also be charged for the class fee for your new class.
Gardening Basics (3-8th combined) - $10
Teacher - Wendy Anderson
Join us to learn the basics of gardening including composting, beneficial pollinators, companion planting and end the school year with garden sprouts of your own!
Gym (3rd-6th) - $0
Teacher - Kim/Sean Donovan
This class will play some traditional gym games like basketball, kickball, and dodge ball, etc. We will also play non-traditional made up games with hula hoops, chairs, and balls and make obstacle courses and follow the leader type games. Movement and fun for everyone. Dress for weather of all types and wear gym shoes.
Historical Conquest - (4th grade and up - students must be fluent readers and good with strategy) – $17/$5 returning students with no cards needed will only be charged $5 but must be noted on the registration form
Teacher – Holly Cheyne
Historical Conquest™ is a unique and exciting card game in which players create personalized societies of heroes, villains, leaders, assassins, disasters, armies, and more from history and battle them against one another. Each card is complete with fantastic illustrations and intriguing summaries of people, places, and events from history. The abilities of each card used in the game relate to the abilities these individuals had during their lives. Due to the diversity of the cards, the possibilities are endless!
With the onslaught of video games and television, many young people have lost interest in learning. The words and lessons of the heroes of the past have lost their flavor for our youth. Historical Conquest™ was created with the mission to bring history back into the lives of children through exciting gameplay. The game entices youth to learn more through fascinating descriptions of historical events, peoples, and places as they engage in epic battles and heroic adventures. ***Class cost includes a starter pack for each player, if this is not needed the cost will be $5 but must be noted on the registration packet.
Homesteading 101 (6th-12th) - $30
Teacher - Erin Geelhood/Julie Greaves
Learn how to do homesteading tasks such as making cheese and candles, foraging, sewing and making natural dyes and gardening skills such as seed starting, winter sewing and composting. This will be a very hands on class in the kitchen many times so come join us.
Lego (K-5th combined) - $0
Teacher - Aurora Bendixen
This class will be all things LEGO. They will be provided with a challenge to build a project but still have plenty of time for their own creativity to shine.
Michigan History (6th-12th combined) - $20 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Erin Brewster
Each week, we’ll dive into the rich history, legends and stories of our great state. We’ll also sample some of Michigan’s iconic and delicious foods. Plus, we’ll get hands-on with creative art projects and fun crafting activities. NO ALLERGIES.
Nutrition 101 - $0 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Katy Guzek
Nutrition 101: Learn about the fundamentals of Nutrition: Calories and energy. Fats, Proteins, and Carbohydrates. Vitamins and Minerals. Digestion and Absorption. Reading Nutrition labels. How to curate a balanced diet to live a healthy lifestyle.
Recorder Class - $0 returning/8 new students (1-6th)
Teacher - Sharon Bazzell/Tiffany Hancock
This class is continuing from last semester but new students are encouraged to join. This is a learn as you go type class so new students are welcome. This fun, engaging beginning recorder method by Barb Philipak uses 9 progressively more challenging folk songs and familiar tunes. Students are motivated by the goal of earning "karate belts" - a different color for each song they master. Recorder and Book will be provided - If you already own a recorder, please inform Lora on your registration paperwork.
Script Writing/Book Publishing 2.0 (5th-12th) - $0
Teacher - Loretta Bradfield
Script writing or book publishing part 2- We will dive into writing a movie- and I will independently support their personal projects from last semester as well. We will try to write a script that as a homeschool group they want to tell.
2nd Hour
Asian Cooking (6th-12th) - $40 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Kristina Phelps
We will be traveling the world to Asia with our taste buds! We will be exploring the many flavors and textures of Asian cuisine, including some of the internet favs this semester - think hot pots, potstickers and more!
ALLERGY WARNING - there will be dishes that include gluten and students with allergies are discouraged from taking food classes.
Cake Decorating (2 HOUR CLASS) (6th-12th) - $50
Teacher - Geri Yost
Come learn how to decorate like the pros! Geri Yost will teach us how to make cupcake toppers, 3D cakes, cupcake designs and so much more. This hands on class requires a specific level of hand strength and for piping and fondant work, along with patience for step by step instructions. By the end of the semester, you will have learned so many new skills, you’ll be feeling like a pro! This class will take your 2nd and 3rd hour time slots, please be advised.
**Calligraphy - $10 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Debra Saul
**This class is being offered based on popularity. Whichever class shows more interest will be the class to run. If both classes show equal interest we will do our best to find another teacher and offer both classes.
Calligraphy is a visual art related to writing. It is the design and execution of lettering with a pen, ink brush, or other writing instrument. Students must know cursive to sign-up for the class. If you want to work on your penmanship and make it "fancy" come join us for this hands on fun class.
Cartoon Drawing (5th-12th) - $0
Teacher - Loretta Bradfield
From Snow White to Shrek, from Fred Flintstone to SpongeBob SquarePants, the design of a character conveys personality before a single word of dialogue is spoken. Designing Characters with Personality shows artists how to create a distinctive character, then place that character in context within a script, establish hierarchy, and maximize the impact of pose and expression. Practical exercises help readers put everything together to make their new characters sparkle. Please bring a sketchbook and pencil to each class.
Diamond Art (4-8th) - $10
Teacher - Becki Adams
Diamond painting is a form of mosaic art where you, apply shiny resins (plastic beads or diamonds) onto a pre-glued canvas to complete the painting. Similar to a paint-by-numbers concept, this craft requires no artistic skills and is a fun and relaxing way to create something beautiful. Fine motor skills are required for this class. Link to kit - https://amzn.to/4a3l8xY and if time allows https://amzn.to/3DJyUKb
Donovan Dynamic Duo Daze (4th-8th Grade) - $5
Teacher - Kim & Sean Donovan
This class is a continuation of last semester but we will be doing all new activities so new students are encouraged to join us. What to do when you can't make up your mind on what class to teach? Make a different theme each class! We might...explore the Shiawassee Basin Reserve during a beautiful fall evening sunset, learn about and do a Geocache, paint with acrylics or watercolors, play a game, make different desserts...a multitude of possibilities. Each week will be a surprise! This class may leave the church campus during class so parental permission is granted by taking this class, the adventures will be local in Davisburg.
Hand Sewing - $5 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Deb Saul
**This class is being offered based on popularity. Whichever class shows more interest will be the class to run. If both classes show equal interest we will do our best to find another teacher and offer both classes.
Hand sewing this semester is going to learn English paper piecing. In this class we will do hand sewing, cutting out fabric, fussy cutting and basting. This class will have a limit of 6 students. Students will need previous hand sewing skills.
History Thru Pictures Books - $5 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Nicole Walters & Shannon Dove
We will read a historical fiction picture book and do activities, crafts, and/or snacks based on the theme or time period for that book.
Math Games - $0 (K-5th only)
Teacher - Sharon Bazzell
Each week we will start the class with a math game from Right Start Math to sharpen our skills and then the remaining time in class will be spent playing games that utilize math such as Yahtzee, Match Madness, Shut the Box, Qwixx, Farkle, and more. Students in this class will practice critical thinking skills, learn strategies, and brush up on their basic math skills without even realizing it. You don't have to love math to have fun in this class!
Matthew Bible Study (6th -12th combined) - $0 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Katy Guzek
The Gospel of Matthew: Dig deeper with Ms. Katy into the Book of Matthew. Each week we will read and discuss a chapter of Matthew, exploring God's Word. And gleaning wisdom and strength from His truth.
Michigan History - $5
Teacher - Mary Imbrunone (3rd-6th grade)
Michigan History is a class typically studied in the 4th grade in school. How did Michigan get its name? Who were the first settlers? What does our state flag look like? Come find out and explore all the amazing stuff our state has to offer. Snacks & hands on activities will accompany our class.
Teacher - Stephanie Montrosse
In this class, students will learn some basic vocabulary in Spanish. We will start with learning how to talk about our families and we will add more words each week based on their progress and interests. In addition to vocabulary, we will discuss interesting cultural facts about different Spanish-speaking countries around the world.
This is an academic class; therefore, it is necessary that students are fluent readers (in English). Students will also be expected to sit quietly and listen during instruction time.
Uniquely You - (3rd-6th) - $20
Teacher - Ashton Saul
This is a continuation of last semester but we will do many new projects. New students are welcome. Do you ever struggle to style your own hair? In this class we learn how to style YOUR hair. We will also explore what styles look the best with your face shape. We will learn to curl with various methods, straighten and braid your own hair. We will learn the structure of hair, different styling techniques, nail care, hand massage, braiding and curling, general hygiene and what chemicals to avoid for healthy hair.
3rd HOUR
Beginning Crochet - $5 (5th grade and up combined) - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Kim Donovan
Crocheting is all the rage now. Once you learn the basics, you can do anything. First, we will learn how to hold our yarn and get the right tension with chains. Then, counting stitches to crochet a dishcloth. Learning single crochet and double crochet and other stitches as we go. Next semester we can learn how to make granny squares. Endless possibilities as you learn this fiber art. Handiwork is a great tool for many children in hand-eye coordination and to aid in concentration while listening to read-alouds and lessons.
Crafting With Perler Beads (K-4th) - $5 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher – Jen Shuffle
Crafting fun with Perler beads, make all kinds of animals and shapes, be creative and learn some fine motor skills along the way. Projects will be ironed and taken home the same day.
Chess Club 2.0 (4th-12th combined) - $0
Teacher - Henry Shuffle/Bob Saul Jr.
This class if for those that already know how to play chess. This semester will focus on strategy and switching up of partners more often. You must be willing to play chess each week for an hour and not lose interest and want to wander. Be prepared to strategize and learn.
**Geography Thru Art (3rd-12th grades combined) - $5
Teacher - Katy Guzek
**This class is being offered based on popularity against Geography Fair National Parks. Whichever class garners more interest will be the class to run; if both classes show equal interest we will try to Geography Through Art- Each class will study a different country's culture, landscape, history, and people. Each class will produce a special art project that represents the country, while introducing different art principles and mediums. Examples include: Polish paper cutting, Australian Didgeridoos, Indian Batik, Chinese Scrolls...etc. Can submit art project(s) into 4H Fair.
**Geography Fair National Parks (3rd-12th grades combined) - $5 - - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Katy Guzek
**This class is being offered based on popularity against Geography Thru Art. Whichever class garners more interest will be the class to run; if both classes show equal interest we will try to accommodate both and find another teacher. National Parks- Study a National Park of choice, and create a final display project to submit in the 4H Fair. You may even win $$$ for your entry at the 2024 Oakland County Fair
How to Draw Animals (5th grade and up) - $0 - - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Loretta Bradfield
Work on drawing all the little details of animals and emotion! Intermediate artists please! We will work on keeping up anatomy while creating detailed characters! Please bring a sketchbook and pencils.
Homesteading Basics - $0
Teacher - Beth June
Join us as we explore the beginnings of homesteading and hobby farming. We will cover all things chickens, raising honey bees and harvesting their honey, and growing Dahlias - one of the most beautiful flower varieties God created. Spring is calling - let’s start preparing and planning for the growing season ahead!
LEGO Robotics - $0
Teacher - Bobby Saul/Vanessa Saul
In this class we will use the LEGO Chain Reactions book ideas to build some cool STEM related activities and then we will venture into the LEGO Mindstorm robotics kit. We will build, program and learn together how the LEGO robotics/STEM programs work. This class will be limited to 8 students. Students must have patience and be willing to follow directions or they will be removed from class. This is not the class to sign up to be rowdy.
Math Games - $0 (6th-12th) - - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Sharon Bazzell
Each week we will start the class with a math game from Right Start Math to sharpen our skills and then the remaining time in class will be spent playing games that utilize math such as Yahtzee, Match Madness, Shut the Box, Qwixx, Farkle, and more. Students in this class will practice critical thinking skills, learn strategies, and brush up on their basic math skills without even realizing it. You don't have to love math to have fun in this class!
Textile Arts (K-4th together) - $10
Teacher - Cassie Hon
Welcome to the world of handwork and textile art and crafting, a beginner class in working with an array of materials from paper to fibers such as yarn, felt and wool, to clay, to things we find in the natural world. This class will touch on several different handwork methods such as finger knitting, spool knitting, weaving, simple stitches (developmentally appropriate determined by the prominent age in the class) even dying our own yarn, as well as some concepts of art such as color theory and patterns. Handwork is a beautiful and important part of nourishing the child's development, working on connecting all parts of the brain, hand eye coordination, fine motors skills, creative thinking and sensorial exploration. A beautiful tool to help deepen handwriting skills while creating useful and beautiful works of art that each child will bring home with them giving them a tangible sense of accomplishment and creativity.
Viral Recipes (6th-12th) - $40 - - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Teacher - Kristina Phelps
We have all watched these "viral" recipes go crazy on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok. Each week we will try one that is all over the social media and make it for our tasting pleasure before we go home. Come join us for a tasty culinary adventure.
ALLERGY WARNING - there will be dishes that include gluten and students with allergies are discouraged from taking food classes.